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© timunderwood.com

General Information

Tim Underwood
Mail : Postfach 170532
60079 Frankfurt Main
Email: [email protected]
Web: timunderwood.com

Tim Underwood is a member of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Frankfurt am Main, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Fon: +49 69 2197-0 , Fax: +49 69 2197-1424, https://www.frankfurt-main.ihk.de/.

Financial investment brokers are active according to § 34 f Gewerbeordnung (GewO). The permission of Mr. Tim Underwood according to § 34 f Abs. 1 GewO was granted by Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main.

The permission of Mr. Tim Underwood according to § 34 d Abs. 1 GewO as an insurance broker (alternatively insurance agent) was granted by Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main.

Mr. Tim Underwood was registered by the Chamber of Commerce Frankfurt am Main, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main as registration authority in the central register of intermediaries (www.vermittlerregister.info) according to § 11 a Abs. 1 GewO under the register number: D-F-125-3PVJ-69 (for § 34f GewO) and under the register number D-WB23-TXPTS-17 (for § 34d GewO).

Job title:
Financial investment broker according to § 34 f Abs. 1 GewO;
Insurance broker (alternatively: insurance agent) according to § 34d Abs. 1 GewO;
Federal Republic of Germany

Professional regulations:
§ 34 f Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act
Financial Investment Brokerage Ordinance (FinVermV)
§ 34 d Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act
§§ 59-68 German Insurance Contract Act (VVG)
Insurance Mediation Ordinance (VersVermV)